Program for July 7, 2014: Rotary President and Board Transition!! 2014-2015 Here We Come!!

Invocation: Diana Broderson

Rotary Guests today were: Jeff Heid and Janet Clark

Rotary News: If you have any historic Rotary realia please bring it to Todd Poci at Senior Resources. July 13, 2014 Percussion on the Pearl...have a Sunday Evening are available from Jeff Heid and Janet Clark Norm Smith is in the hospital.

July 14th meeting will be at MCSA not at Wesley!!  Wesley will be hosting Bible School and needs their room back!!

Next Monday we will be approving the slate of officers for the coming year:  President Tony Joseph, Vice President Mary Odell, Directors: Steve Jameson, Judi Holdorf, Todd Poci, Chris Steinbach, Keith Porter, Past President, Diana Broderson, Treasurer and Mary Wildermuth, Secretary!!


Program: Katie Mulholland, President Pro Tem Board of Regents shared insight from the Board of Regents and their responsibilities overseeing the University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa and Iowa State University. This means 75,000 students, 3 research parks, 660 K-12 students, 2000 residents, 48,000 persons in the Health Care system and from Muscatine County 622 college students, 280 MCC students who have transferred ,218 Manufacturing Engineers, 500 plus teachers who are graduates and 3000 graduates who live in Muscatine County!!

The Board of Regents has undertaken an efficiency study that is internal. 17 cases have been found that are being looked at for additional efficiency...most relating to administration while 5 cases are related to academic improvement. Other goals include increasing the appropriation for our region.  Gain additional legislative support and keep current support to wisely use current resources.

The state appropriation is Performance Based is centered on: 60% resident enrollment, 15% progress and degree attainment, 10% access by (veterans,minorities and low income students), 5% sponsored research, 5% enrollment funding and 5% Board of Regents.  Of the students who were accepted at the Regents Schools only 59% chose to enroll.  By 2016 the Performance Model will be utilized.

Extensive information is located at the Board of Regents website.