Our meetings will be at the Wesley Family Life Center in downtown Muscatine.

Program for August 5, 2013: Chris Steinbach ...MCSA Today! 

Invocation by: Pastor Bruce Ursuline

Rotary Guests: Emily Lofgren and Mark Lofgren

Happy News: Persons interested in learning more about the Glass Bandshell are invited to attend an information meeting at the Riverview Center on August 7, 2013 at 5:00 P.M. Mike and Joann Ruby completed a wonderful trip to the Holy Land and ran where Jesus walked. Steve Jameson was happy to say that 2 homestays have been found for the young man from Brazil. Janet Morrow was happy that she had the Ragbrai experience this year, enabling her to meet many people from all over the U.S. and the world. Tony Joseph announced that the Chinese Old Friends will be helping host a photo exhibition on September 13 and 14, 2013.  More details to follow.

Rotary Program: Julie Lester presented an overview of Health Care as it will be in the future according to ObamaCare.  http://obamacarefacts.com  Insurance Companies and Health Care Providers will be using 4 entrypoints for participation: these being Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Ob/Gyn.  Medical records are moving to an electronic format. Surgery is being delivered through specific centers now rather than just at a hospital.  Specific providers are using hospitalists...doctors that reside at a specific hospital and are not necessarily one's own doctor.  It is important to know if a specialist is in your provider network and this can be found via your customer service number on the back of your insurance card or through website.

Julie reminded us that one's health is his or her responsibility and that one should not be satisfied with only one opinion but seeking 2 or 3 is very appropriate.