Program for August 13, 2012: Pam Collins... Digital Literacy
Invocation by: Dennis McDonald

Guests today: Cara Hahn, Emily Smith, Cath Hahn, Dick Teegen, Sandy Hoopes, Jim Hoopes and Joy Hoopes
Your Rotary Board: President, Kelly Garvin, Keith Porter,Sarah Ingstad, Secretary, Brooke Mehaffey,Treasurer ,Mike Ruby,Tony Joseph, Scott Ingstad, Steve Jameson and Mary Odell.

Rotary Moment: Mary Wildermuth led the induction ceremony for Dana Yerington and Kasey O'Kelly.  Dana is sponsored by Sarah Ingstad and Kasey is sponsored by Bill Phelan.  Each told a bit about themselves as did their sponsors!  Welcome Dana and Kasey.

Program for Today:
Our own Brooke Mehaffey provided highlights of Red Cross, looking locally, regionally and nationally!! She put us into the mindset of thinking about the many disasters that Red Cross helps with....housefires, military messages, floods, tornadoes etc.  Red Cross is about providing Emergency Services, as well as, providing Health Safety, CPR, Youth Training, storms, floods and fires!! It is a 24/7 link to phones and money.  It is volunteer driven.  Brooke is the Director for 4 counties with a part time staff person in Burlington

Disaster volunteers are on call at least 1% of them monthly and are ready to go.  When there is a fire... the Fire Department calls them to arrange for shelter and food. Regionally there are 28 counties with 13 offices from Rockford to Lee County. In regard to fundraising funds stay local unless designated.  Our Red Cross office has moved to 1502 Plaza Place.

Red Cross members are the first responders and are the calm stable handholders with knowledge of the different agencies within the community whether in Muscatine or Louisa Counties.  Americorp helps with programming by delivering youth programs that range from Whales Tales, Scrubby Bear and the most popular "Poison Game"  What is in this jar?  Gummy Bears, Gummy Vitamins, Red Hots or Sudafed, Water or Rubbing Alcohol?

Red Cross is helping with the Olympics by providing volunteers and general preparedness and response to this major event.  Brooke wants a copy of the manual that was prepared for the Olympics which is a multilingual phrase book.