Posted by Bobbie Holliday on Aug 27, 2018
Program:  Club Meeting
Invocation:  Erika Cox
Visitors:  Ody Orr, Carlos Acuna and father, Jessica Ahluwania and mother.
Happy NewsJessica Wittman is happy that she got to see a steam locomotive in Brooklyn, IA.  Marv Krieger was happy to announce that at the September 17, 2018 Rotary meeting we are going to be having a Rotary Reunion.  He encouraged everyone to reach out to inactive rotary members and bring them to rotary.  Also bring potential new members.  The goal is to get the inactive members back into coming to rotary.  Gage Kent will be our speak during this meeting. 
Program:  Our program was a recap from the students that attended RYLA.  3 students attended:  Jessica Ahluwania, Ody Orr and Carlos Acuna.  The students were asked what made them want to attend RYLA.  Ody said that  he wanted to enhance his leadership skills and get exposure to new people and ideas.  Carlos was interested in meeting new people and getting leadership skills and meeting new people.  Jessica had heard that RYLA was a great opportunity.  The students were then asked what they learned or took away from RYLA.  Ody said that he met and talked to different types of people then he normally would have.  He found out that he shares more in common with other people then he thought he would.  Carlos said that the atmosphere was very welcoming and the people were all very nice.  He learned a lot about being social.  Jessica shared that RYLA enforced the importance of family and that YOU are important.  There were a lot of smaller, more personal breakout sessions.  The students were asked to share what their favorite thing about RYLA was.  They all really liked the back rubs that were given after meals.  There were also end of day recap sessions and the counselors would also do a dance.  What were the key take aways from RYLA?  Jessica learned the importance of communications and group activities.  Ody learned leading through following and collaborating.  Carlos enjoyed the activities and challenges that focused on communication skills. They all enjoyed meeting new people and had a good time and good food.  Ody encouraged us to volunteer at RYLA - it is a fun time.  Thank you for sharing.   
Next Meeting:  August 27, 2018 at the Rendezvous