Posted by Mary Wildermuth on Nov 20, 2017
Program for November 20, 2017:  Muscatine Police Department - Tactical Unit
Invocation: Cristian Lopez
Happy News:  Student guests today were: Njieri Mangara, Christy Colony, Meghan Custis, Joe Morrison, Leonardo Goloso, Alexandra Sichterman, Cameron Christensen, Oliver Founneau, Lauren Brady, Elizabeth Cahill, Emma Maynard and Elizabeth Smith. Other guests today were: Scott Dahlke, MCSA, Joel Kraushaar from Voice of Muscatine, potential new member Vicki Kaufman, Karey Hawkins and Andrea Kreitner potential new member.
Erika reported on the new member meeting social at DaBeet's and asked for Red Kettle Campaign Signups for December 2, 2017.  Shane Orr reminded us to support the Rotary Foundation with perhaps an enhanced contribution this year!
Program: Trudy Lafoon introduced by Jessica Wittman presented an informative program on her mission trip to Ghana, Africa in May of 2017.  The group visited Tetrefu School which is a Technical Vocational Training School. Coursework at the school included beadwork and fashion design of which Trudy partook.  The group also learned some of the local culinary art.  A highlight was the festive and vibrant worship service with much laughing, clapping and dancing!!  Trudy's group had raised $500 and received a match to build a wall near the clinic so that there was protection from the sun, confidentiality and escape from local roaming wildlife.  Trudy brought lovely local cultural examples to share including shea butter and black soap.  Trudy's group worked and toured and had a most pleasant experience.