Posted by Mary Wildermuth on Jun 19, 2017
Program for June 19, 2017: Dr. Pete Korpi... His Mission...Vision
Invocation: Holly Thomas Koehler
Happy News: Guests today were Shelley Maharry and Jamie Bodman from the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine!  Jessica Wittman loved holding her niece and hopes she can be consistent at her singing for 3 weddings this summer!! Judi invited everyone to the Annual Celebration of the Community Foundation on June 22!! Naomi De Winter was happy about Rafael... winning the French Open for the 10th time! Ken Brooks is the proud papa of Daniel Thomas!! He invited us to the Scout Day Camp at Weed Park to enjoy the Community Campfire!! Greg Jenkins invited participation as Block Captains for the parade...sign us is now!! Paul Fitzpatrick excited that the Pittsburg Penquins won the Stanley Cup!! Judi reminded us of Mike Ruby's induction as District Governor and asked for serving helpers!!  We are also seeking Club Service nominees.  If you know of someone deserving please nominate them by telling a board member!!
Program: Ethan Anderson shared his recent mission trip to Mafrag, Jordan.  Ethan passed around a Jordanian menu, some candy and some money!!  Ethan lived in Israel 14 years ago. Recently, he and his wife took a mission trip to Jordan volunteering for a local church.  The town has doubled in size wth refugees and nearby is the largest camp of 80,000. The church provides classes in English, sewing, and youth sports.  There are 160 students in the school and 72 kids in the sports camp.  The West Liberty Interact Club sent toys with Ethan and Bethany for the children.   This particular church has shifted from a focus on worship to a focus on development. Ethan noted a wide gender gap between men and women.  Bethany and Ethan took $10,600 of monetary gifts with them from persons who knew they were going and wanted to contribute.  The funds provided practical goods kits to 32 families.